Thursday, February 24, 2011

Future Oscar Contenders

With the Academy Awards just a few days away, I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce two future Oscar contenders.

Yes I know I am extremely biased, being related to both of these talented gentlemen (they are after all, my brothers), but these boys can make movies! The two, A.J. and Alex, also known as Bubba, have been making movies together for as far back as I can recall. I have always been a little jealous of my brother A.J. because he has known what he has wanted to do since the age of 2 (I have video evidence in case you don’t believe me). His interest grew stronger when growing up as we did not have cable so we resorted to making our own movies to entertain ourselves. Now both my brothers are currently pursing their dream of one day becoming directors, and I’d say they are off to a great start. A.J. is out in Los Angeles studying film at the University of Southern California and Bubba is at Harvard doing the same.  I have a feeling that one day their hard work and passion is going to pay off, and we will see them at the Oscars. Until then, enjoy these Serrano Bros Productions on their YouTube page. Keep in mind, I never said they were normal…

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