Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Comeback

Hi! My name’s Demi, longtime friend of Ash, and I’ll occasionally be guest posting about movies or television shows that we are mutually obsessed with.

I have had an unhealthy obsession with Glee since I started watching, even though most people will agree that this season isn’t really close to last season’s quality. For me, the biggest difference between last season and this season is a lack of storylines in season 2. Last season there were quite a few storylines that spanned many episodes, some of my favorites being Quinn’s baby drama and crazy Terri’s fake pregnancy. This season, until they turned Kurt’s bullying into a consistent plotline, there were barely any storylines that carried over multiple episodes. Instead, it seems like they are writing each episode without any vision or thought for long-term plot, and are putting too much focus on gimmicks and guest stars.

That being said, last Tuesday's episode “Comeback,” is the third straight episode in this half of the season where I actually felt tiny traces of what I used to love about Glee. I wouldn't go as far as calling this Glee's comeback, but I can appreciate that they seem to be putting more effort into actual storylines, instead of only the songs.

Despite the Bieber storyline and Sam’s rendition of Baby, I really enjoyed the “Comeback” episode. Performing Somebody to Love would have been more than enough in terms of the Bieber presence on the show, as it would enable me to stare longingly at Mike Chang's dance moves and listen to Artie's voice, which is the best voice of the Glee guys, by far. Check it out below if you missed it:

I cannot write a Glee post without addressing how hilarious Santana is. I have always loved Santana (I even dressed as her for Halloween, where a grand total of three people guessed who I was correctly). After being promoted to a series regular this season, I think she has really had a chance to shine. And I’m not exactly sure where her ghetto talk came from, but I definitely don’t hate it.

Exhibit A, Breadsticks:

I loved Rachel and Mercedes’ rendition of Take Me or Leave Me from Rent. I tried to go into this number with practically no expectations. I’m a huge Idina Menzel fan (and I mean huge, I still repeatedly Youtube her 2004 Tony acceptance speech; I think her and her hubby are adorable and watching it never fails to put me in a good mood.) Though it was no Idina, I thought both girls killed it. Rachel's angry facial expressions were priceless, and the girls even became BFFs by the end of the song, and I’m always happy when they give poor Rachel a friend.

And I will leave you with one last thought; My favorite part of Tuesday’s episode. Will, Sue and the children cancer patients singing This Little Light of Mine. If that didn’t make you feel something, you might not have a soul. Sorry you had to find out this way.

Until next time,


Please feel free to leave comments for Demi. Also, take a minute to follow Actually, It's Ashleigh!

1 comment:

  1. This post reminds me of a few things:
    1. Demi is funny.
    2. I don't know why I don't watch Glee.
    3. I wish I could sing.
