Monday, December 17, 2012

The Light Between Oceans

"Perhaps the same labeling obsession caused cartographers to split this body of water into two oceans, even though it is impossible to touch an exact point at which their currents begin to differ. Splitting. Labeling. Seeking out otherness. Some thing don't change."

Taken from page 51 of The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

Friday, December 14, 2012

Doppelganger Friday

Have you ever seen someone that is just a dead ringer for someone else? That's a doppelganger!! They always make me laugh, so hopefully they bring some cheer to your Friday as well. Here are my top 5 celebrity doppelgangers! Enjoy!

Lady Edith and Michael Cera
Brad Pitt and Benicio Del Toro

Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel

Drea de Matteo and Portia de Rossi
Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan freak me out they look so much alike! If you have any doppelgangers you want to share, let me know. There are plenty more out there!! 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What is this?

Have you seen a preview for Movie 43? It is the strangest trailer I have ever seen. I can't understand why so many great actors and actresses agreed to do this movie. Am I missing something? Just as a warning, this trailer should be rated R, and is not appropriate for work. The only reason I'm sharing it is so someone can explain it to me. 

Friday, December 7, 2012


You guys, I just finished my Master's degree!! So long for now, homework and papers! Hello knitting, baking, reading for pleasure, creative writing, movies, TV shows, music, Bikram yoga and spending more time with friends!! I'm now at a point in my life where I do have my Master's degree, which will hopefully give me a leg up when applying to new jobs (I'm looking to get into Higher Education Administration). This crossroad in my life reminded me of Lena Dunham's show, GIRLS. On the show about twenty-something girls, the characters struggle to find meaning in their lives. Season two premieres January 13th on HBO, take a look at the trailer:

I may just have to re-watch season 1 while I anticipate season 2... looks so good! And also, how much do you love that Ellie Goulding song "Anything Could Happen," that is featured in the trailer?? Her whole CD is amazing.. I recommend you check it out! It's called Halcyon. Here are some other things I'm really into right now:

*Anything Peppermint flavored
*Online Shopping (on the verge of an addiction)
*Holiday Cards 
*Making cookies for friends & fam

What are you guys into these days? Do you have any good cookie recipes? Please share with me if you do :) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A photo

Just a photo I can't stop looking at. It's a still from the movie, "Beginners." See it if you haven't already. You'll thank me later... That is if you can look away from this image. I don't know about you, but I'm hypnotized by their gazes.

Friday, September 28, 2012


What I love about Fall...

New music! I strongly recommend the new M&S CD... Marcus Mumford's voice radiates folksy soul that is hauntingly beautiful.

Folliage makes driving in Fall a treat! 

Football season : ) Just that much closer to College Basketball! (Hoosiers ranked #1 going into the season) 

Apples-- Apple picking! Apple pie! Apple crisp! Apple cider! YUM

Good shows are back! 
Harney and Sons Cinnamon tea... to die for. My mom and I order in bulk for the Fall/Winter. If you have never tried it, you're doing yourself a disservice! 

Boots! Leggings! Oversized Sweaters! Hats! Scarves! Mittens! I love fall wardrobes! 

Warms the soul.

Excited to see this movie.

What do you love about Fall?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Get What You Want

How to get what you want:

Step 1: You must know what you want.

I came across a quotation on Pinterest that had a deep impact on me... "To get what you want, you must know what you want." It seemed so obvious, so simple, yet it is something I struggle with. 
I want so many things in my personal life as well as my professional life but I am not sure I could specifically tell you these things. I have an idea of the bigger picture, but the little steps along the way are a bit more blurry. I need to work at defining the little things, work at setting goals and paying more attention to the immediate future.
So this week, I want to work on defining what it is that I want. After all, how can you get what you want if you don't know what exactly it is that you want? Seems so blatantly obvious when you word it that way... we'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Next Big Thing?

Is this not the most ridiculous/most genius thing you've ever seen? I have a feeling we'll seeing a lot more of this man, Psy, in the very near future. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Does it Feel to Want? Wednesday

I've decided to introduce a new segment to the blog. It's inspired from my childhood, when I used to whine when I didn't get something I so desperately thought I should have and complain to my parents by saying, "...but I WANT it!!!" and my father would never fail to reply, "How does it feel to want?" Now, I find myself reciting this line that irked me so terribly as a child whenever I hear the word "want." But doesn't it feel nice to want things? To want, by definition, means to "have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for." And shouldn't we all strive to possess and do things?! Shouldn't we all wish for things?! Therefore, How Does it Feel to Want Wednesdays will document some of my wants that inspire me! Some of these wants will admittedly be quite materialistic, but hopefully as time goes on I can dig and expose some deeper, more personal "wants." 

This week, I want certain things for my blog. I want to include more personal beliefs and thoughts. I want to include my own personal photos, and one day learn the art of photography. I want people who stumble across my blog to connect with something and come back again. I want this to be a place where I can express, inspire and challenge myself and maybe if I'm lucky, others as well. 

Here is a list of blogs that inspire me:

The Everygirl (this is a website)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


"'I'm sorry if I was forward...but I'm practicing a new philosophy of life that involves being more forward.'" 

Taken from page 35 of Shopgirl by Steve Martin

Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm Back!

After some technical difficulties, during which time I thought I was going to have to cancel this blog, I am pleased to say Actually, It's Ashleigh is back up and running! I have missed this place I call my blog, so please check back in soon for a new post!

Here's some Mase to welcome us all back to the blog!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Birthday Triplets

I bet you didn't know I'm part of a Canadian triplet gang. The gang originated back on the day of all of our births... June 7, 1988. The two Canadians in my triplet gang are none other than Milan Lucic and Michael Cera. Together, we would form an awesome 6/7/88 gang. We just need to get Michael to Boston and then I think our bond will drag us together and  awesomeness will ensue! We will probably solve all of the Earth's problems. They will make Avengers 2 about us. Until then, Happy Birthday to us!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Movies: 2012 Edition

I gave in and saw The Avengers yesterday. It was a rainy day and there was really nothing else playing at the theater. And let me tell you, I was hugely disappointed. I went in with pretty high expectations from all the hype and records it has been breaking, but the movie was too cheesy to be taken seriously. I know this will never happen, but can the superhero trend be over already? Well, after the Dark Knight Rises, then it can be over forever and I wouldn't mind. 

I complied a list of the top 5 movies I am looking forward to this summer (other than Dark Knight Rises):

Moonrise Kingdom, limited release May 25: 

Lola Verses, June 8: 

To Rome with Love, June 22: 

Brave, June 22:

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, June 22: 

And as a bonus:

Celeste and Jesse Forever, trailer not release yet but I still have high hopes, I believe it comes out at the end of August:

What movies are you looking forward to this summer?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Les Mis-er-ab-les

Have you seen this yet? If not, watch now, and thank me later: 
Goosebumps every time! Anne Hathaway's voice is the perfect combination of pain and beauty. I just want the soundtrack to come out NOW. I am excited for this film adaptation of the musical (which comes out December 14) for many reason. Here are my top 3:
  1. Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackson working together. I think they are two of the most likable and diverse people in Hollywood right now. They both have done the "superhero" genre (Anne in the upcoming Batman movie as Catwoman and Hugh as Wolverine), they can do drama, they can do comedy and they both have amazing voices. I'm excited to see them work together, even if their story line is quasi depressing and short lived.
  2. Amanda Seyfried adds to her film adapted musical resume. In Mama Mia she wowed us with her impressive voice and upon a little research, I learned she was trained in classical opera for two years and studied under a Broadway voice coach for almost five years. This training definitely shows and is being put to good use in the film adaptations of popular musicals.  
  3. I cannot wait to hear people try to pronounce the title. I want to have a hidden camera show at movie ticket counters across the country (heavy in the mid-west) to hear people ask for tickets to Les Miserables. Oh it makes me giggle just thinking about it. Just close your eyes for a second and picture someone in North Dakota who has never heard of the musical go to the movies and say, in a heavy accent, "One for les mis-er-ables please." I may be looking forward to that as much as I am the movie. 
Are you excited for this film? It has an amazing cast and director so hopefully it does not disappoint! Little over a half a year to go-- Let's hope for more amazing trailers along the way to hold us over! 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bringing Ballet Back

Has anyone else noticed ballet making a not so subtle entrance into pop culture these days? Flipping through the pages of a magazine, I noticed an ad for an ABC Family show entitled “Bunheads” … I wish I were joking. As much as I love ballet, I don’t know how long this show will last. Seriously... you couldn’t have named it anything else… BUNHEADS?!  

There is also going to be a show called “Breaking Pointe” on The CW, which starts tonight at 8. I may actually tune into this one to see how it goes. It’s definitely a better title than bunheads, yet the tagline makes me slightly cringe- “BLOOD SWEAT AND TUTUS.” Come on guys, seriously? Don’t you get paid to be extremely creative?

Last night I watched the newly released video for Florence and the Machine’s new single, Spectrum and sure enough, she was surrounded by ballerinas. You can give the video a watch here: 

While the anorexic girl who I guess is supposed to represent Florence on pointe is beyond freaky, I do like the rest of the video. I just love me some ballet. It’s beautiful. So much blood, sweat, tears, rejection and practice practice practice goes into ballet. They make it look so effortless and beautiful, but behind the scenes it is nothing but hard work and determination. That’s why I am OK with ballet making it’s way into pop culture. As long as it’s heavy on the actual ballet and light on the background drama, I’m game. Now, who can I file a complaint with about the title, “Bunheads?”

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Football Emotions

Today has been a day of mixed emotions. I have been close to tears on multiple occasions, for entirely different reasons, but all related to football. On one hand, I am extremely saddened by the apparent suicide of Junior Seo. He was a 12-time Pro Browler, and he seemed so well respected in the NFL and in his hometown of San Diego. Although the news of Junior Seo’s death was a shock, I did not feel like crying until I got home and was watching the Nightly News with Brian Williams on NBC. They showed a clip of what I suppose would be considered a press conference with Junior Seo’s mother and sister. I felt sick that they had to stand in front of all of those cameras and make some sort of statement when they should just be together, dealing with this difficult time as a family. It is also quite something to note that Junior Seo is the 8th deceased member (all below the age of 45) of the 1994 San Diego Charger’s football team. Other members have died of such tragedies such as heart attacks, car crashes, plane crash and one member was even struck by lightening. Life after football may need more attention.

Speaking of life after football, the other story I saw today was Eric LeGrand being signed by the Tampa Bay Bucaneers. Eric LeGrand was the Rutgers defensive tackle that was paralyzed after a tackle ended his football career on the field in the 2010. LeGrand’s story could have ended there and we could never have heard about him again. He was told he would be a quadriplegic and would have to be on a ventilator, but in just five weeks from that diagnosis he was breathing on his own and went back to school in the spring of 2011. He has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated and remained an integral part of the Rutgers football team. As previously mentioned, LeGrand was signed by the Bucaneers today. His coach at Rutgers, Greg Schiano, is now a coach on Tampa Bay and he couldn’t help but think this is the year Eric would have been in the draft class. Schiano said of signing LeGrand, "This small gesture is the least we could do to recognize his character, spirit and perseverance. The way Eric lives his life epitomizes what we are looking for in Buccaneer Men." That statement is so touching and so special. LeGrand got me even more choked up when he said, “Dreams do come true if you really believe. You do the right things in life, good things happen to you.” Seriously??!? If this man can find the good in life, I think we all can. Good things happen if you do the right things. He is so right. Don’t take life for granted. Work hard, be kind to others, do the right things, and good things will happen. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Seeking Advice!

I need some advice, my friends. I'm wanting to chop my hair off. I used to do this quite often and always regretted it in the end, but I feel like it would be a refreshing change right now. I'm thinking a little above the shoulders. Should I do it!? I'll supply some pictures of what I'm thinking. Let me know your thoughts! I need all the advice I can get before I do something drastic! Thanks in advance!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Emma and Andrew sitting in a tree...

What do you think? Couple or promotion? Personally I think this relationship blossomed at just the right time to get people interested in 'The Amazing Spiderman' which is coming out in July. At first I thought they looked kind of cute together, but now it's just starting to get annoying... especially after I saw this picture, where Emma looked like she wanted to get as far away as Andrew as she possibly could but he was like "Oh no you don't!":

Is that an awkward photo or what? I don't know... maybe they are a real couple? If so, they sure took their work home with them... am I right? No in all seriousness, congrats to them if they're happy together. And now... a personal message to Emma:

Dear Emma,

I think you're fantastic. I think we could be friends in real life. But all of that changes when you revert back to your blonde hair. I know it's your natural hair color but you are just so much more likable as a red head. I don't know what it is!! But please, go back to the red? You look so much happier and healthier as a red head. Thanks.

Your friend,


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Style Crush

Vintage chic... that's the best way I can describe my latest style crush, Elizabeth Olsen. I love how her style isn't 100% girly, it's menwear inspired and girlfriend pulls it off! I love seeing what she is wearing because she never plays it safe. She probably has her sisters and their fashion collections and connections to thank for that. Plus, she's a terrific actress and a rising star in the industry. I'm sure we will be seeing much more form Miss Elizabeth Olsen in the future. Take a look at some of my favorite looks:

May I borrow your accessories?
Such cute shoes!!
I'm a sucker for hats.
May I borrow your hat?

Yellow makes everything better
Love the shades... Don't you wish MK and A were your sisters?
Also, how much does she look like a mix between Maggie Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel?

And my gosh, she SMILES! An Olsen who smiles... with teeth?! Who knew! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Hi guys,

Sorry it's been a while since I've blogged about anything. I've been busy with school and work but have been wanting to get on here so I'll try to make more of an effort to post every now and again. My friend sent me this YouTube video, and it's one of the greatest things I have seen in a while. Granted, I see the money signs in Simon's eyes when they boy opens his mouth to sing, but his story is just amazing. It shows you not to judge anyone before you get to know them. That is an important message that we all need to keep in mind! I know sometimes I am guilty of it, but making a conscious effort not to judge someone before you get to know them can open your eyes to some amazing things. Anyways, watch the clip below. This is the type of video that should go viral!

Here are a few things I've been into lately:

 It is one of the strangest things I've ever consumed but it is SO good and the nutrients and energy it gives you is amazing!

  • Reading. Although I have other things I should be doing other than reading, I've found myself consumed in a number of good books lately. Here are my top 3 I'm currently into:
  1. "My Life in France" by Julia Child.
  2. "The Marriage Plot" by Jeffery Eugenides
  3. "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway
Do you have any good books you recommend?
  • New season of Mad Men- I can't even describe how much I love this show. The writing! The drama! The costumes, hair and make up!! Not to mention Don isn't too hard on the eyes. The show really does whisk you away to another era and engulf you in the drama of the characters. Thank goodness it's back!
  • Is there anything more addicting than Pinterest right now? I could spend hours just dreaming up different DIY projects, looking at different fashions and ways to do hair, imagining myself in far off places, learning how to throw the perfect party and day dreaming about interior design. Now if only there was more time in the day...
  • The Rockstar Diaries: I stumbled upon this blog a while back and am so happy I did. Although I sometimes feel a bit creepy checking in on their lives, Naomi and Josh Davis along with their little daughter Eleanor and baby boy on the way have such a special bond. Their love for each other is contagious and their blog always leaves me with a heart full of joy and hope for the future. Cheesy, I know, but true! Plus my friend Demi tweeted Naomi and she totally said she'd adopted us, so we're in! Haha, but seriously, check out their blog if you have never before! It's a good one!

What about you? Are you into anything right now I should know about? Fill me in, won't ya?

Monday, February 20, 2012

And the Oscar Goes To...

My super talented, brilliant writer of a brother AJ has supplied us with his Oscar predictions yet again this year. He brings up some great points, so enjoy!

Something big is happening in Hollywood. For an industry built on the noise and chaos of hype, illusion and celebrity, it seems almost contradictory that this small revolution within the film industry has arisen from a silent battle cry. Eighty-four years after the last silent film won the Academy Award for Best Picture, The Artist has positioned itself as the front runner to claim the golden statuette on February 26. Whatever you have to say about the film’s flaws (inconsistent tone, flat characters, its gimmick factor) pales in comparison to the fact that a silent film has achieved such critical and commercial success in an society that craves the conventional and demands instant gratification.

I had a feeling that this year’s Academy Awards were going to be unique after Clint Eastwood’s sprawling biopic J. Edgar was met with a quiet apathy by both critics and moviegoers back in October. In the past, Eastwood’s films have been greeted with lavish praise and numerous awards from the Academy. He has received the Best Director award twice in his career and four of his films have received Best Picture nominations. With an A-list cast of Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Watts, and Judi Dench and a big studio budget, J. Edgar seemed like an obvious shoo-in for this year’s Best Picture race. That is, until no one showed up to see this snooze fest. The result: 0 Oscar nominations.

America’s silent treatment towards Eastwood’s films is a refreshingly rebellious act. Think of it as a middle finger to the old-fashioned Hollywood regime that thought they could release the same conventional schlock every year and that the audience was too stupid to notice or care.

It wasn’t just Eastwood who was pushed out of the pop cultural lexicon this year. Most all of the major studio Oscar bait failed big time with critics and audiences in the winter months. War Horse, Super 8 and Cars 2  all failed to live up to lofty expectations. Instead, the Best Picture list is dominated by small budget, intellectual fare (Midnight in Paris, Moneyball, The Tree of Life, The Artist, The Descendants). Average moviegoers started to talk more about Dujardin, Payne, Bejo and Malick and less about industry giants like Spielberg, Eastwood and DiCaprio.

When The Artist claims its prize for Best Picture of the Year next Sunday, that split second of silence before the applause is the sound of a resounding shakeup in the film world. The independent film has become mainstream.

My 2012 Oscar Picks

Best Picture: The Artist
Spoiler: Hugo

Best Director: Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Spoiler: Michel Hazanivicius, The Artist

Best Actor: Jean Dujardin, The Artist
Spoiler: George Clooney, The Descendants

Best Actress: Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
Spoiler: Viola Davis, The Help

Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, Beginners
Spoiler: Nick Nolte, Warrior

Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help
Spoiler: Bérénice Bejo, The Artist

Best Original Screenplay: Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
Spoiler: Asghar Farhadi, A Separation

Best Adapted Screenplay: Alexander Payne, The Descendants
Spoiler: Aaron Sorkin, Moneyball

Best Cinematography: The Tree of Life
Spoiler: The Artist