Friday, December 7, 2012


You guys, I just finished my Master's degree!! So long for now, homework and papers! Hello knitting, baking, reading for pleasure, creative writing, movies, TV shows, music, Bikram yoga and spending more time with friends!! I'm now at a point in my life where I do have my Master's degree, which will hopefully give me a leg up when applying to new jobs (I'm looking to get into Higher Education Administration). This crossroad in my life reminded me of Lena Dunham's show, GIRLS. On the show about twenty-something girls, the characters struggle to find meaning in their lives. Season two premieres January 13th on HBO, take a look at the trailer:

I may just have to re-watch season 1 while I anticipate season 2... looks so good! And also, how much do you love that Ellie Goulding song "Anything Could Happen," that is featured in the trailer?? Her whole CD is amazing.. I recommend you check it out! It's called Halcyon. Here are some other things I'm really into right now:

*Anything Peppermint flavored
*Online Shopping (on the verge of an addiction)
*Holiday Cards 
*Making cookies for friends & fam

What are you guys into these days? Do you have any good cookie recipes? Please share with me if you do :) 

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