Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Hi guys,

Sorry it's been a while since I've blogged about anything. I've been busy with school and work but have been wanting to get on here so I'll try to make more of an effort to post every now and again. My friend sent me this YouTube video, and it's one of the greatest things I have seen in a while. Granted, I see the money signs in Simon's eyes when they boy opens his mouth to sing, but his story is just amazing. It shows you not to judge anyone before you get to know them. That is an important message that we all need to keep in mind! I know sometimes I am guilty of it, but making a conscious effort not to judge someone before you get to know them can open your eyes to some amazing things. Anyways, watch the clip below. This is the type of video that should go viral!

Here are a few things I've been into lately:

 It is one of the strangest things I've ever consumed but it is SO good and the nutrients and energy it gives you is amazing!

  • Reading. Although I have other things I should be doing other than reading, I've found myself consumed in a number of good books lately. Here are my top 3 I'm currently into:
  1. "My Life in France" by Julia Child.
  2. "The Marriage Plot" by Jeffery Eugenides
  3. "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway
Do you have any good books you recommend?
  • New season of Mad Men- I can't even describe how much I love this show. The writing! The drama! The costumes, hair and make up!! Not to mention Don isn't too hard on the eyes. The show really does whisk you away to another era and engulf you in the drama of the characters. Thank goodness it's back!
  • Is there anything more addicting than Pinterest right now? I could spend hours just dreaming up different DIY projects, looking at different fashions and ways to do hair, imagining myself in far off places, learning how to throw the perfect party and day dreaming about interior design. Now if only there was more time in the day...
  • The Rockstar Diaries: I stumbled upon this blog a while back and am so happy I did. Although I sometimes feel a bit creepy checking in on their lives, Naomi and Josh Davis along with their little daughter Eleanor and baby boy on the way have such a special bond. Their love for each other is contagious and their blog always leaves me with a heart full of joy and hope for the future. Cheesy, I know, but true! Plus my friend Demi tweeted Naomi and she totally said she'd adopted us, so we're in! Haha, but seriously, check out their blog if you have never before! It's a good one!

What about you? Are you into anything right now I should know about? Fill me in, won't ya?

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