Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Boonies

I live in what some would refer to as, "The Boonies." Deer, snakes, ducks, beavers, muskrats, turtles, wild turkey, fisher cats (wish I were joking)... you name it, I've seen it and chances are they probably live in back yard. Sometimes these wild animals deter me from exercising outside, but there are also times when I do venture out for a run and find the animal noises motivate me to run just a little bit faster.

I'm exaggerating a bit here--  it's not that bad (the fisher cat was the worst I've experienced but luckily I was in my car when I saw it). We've had a Blue Heron colony start up right down the street that has brought an influx of bird watchers to "The Boonies." I have to admit, their nests are pretty amazing and I even stopped to snap a few photos on a walk a few weeks ago. Below are just a few images I have taken recently here in The Boonies.

Blue Heron-- First time I saw one I thought I was in Jurassic Park. 

Blue Heron nests

And here's the scariest animal of them all, my grandmother's pug-- Molly.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Two Point List Tuesday

I would like to formally introduce a new series, called "Two Point List Tuesday." 

For my first installment, I will cover...


  1. How do fashion bloggers have such nice clothes and accessories? Where do they get the money?!
  2. Miley Cyrus. 
That's all. 
Hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

4 Month Hiatus

Hi friends! It has been a while since I have posted to my blog. I have found myself missing this outlet, so I am back. Hopefully I’ll post more consistently than every 4 months. My last post was from February 22nd and I didn’t even write it! Oops. Between then and now, a number of things have happened:

  1. Erol moved to Boston.
  2. I finished my Masters and started working full time.
  3. I broke my camera and bought myself a new one.
  4. It’s summer again!
  5. I’m moving to Cambridge in September. 
These are all good things. I may even be so bold as to exclaim these are great things! I feel like I am growing up and moving into a new phase of my life, and it is exciting. It seems like every day I am learning something new about myself. I have been keeping a daily journal, something I was inspired to do after reading “The Happiness Project,” by Gretchen Ruben. I like writing a few sentences at the end of every day—I write about a specific event, something that inspired me, or a lesson that I learned. I have surprised myself a few times when I actually go to write my thoughts. I find even when I am thinking about one thing in particular, I may actually write about the overall message or lesson learned rather than the specific details surrounding the event. It just goes to show that you learn something new every single day. Human beings are not perfect and we are constantly evolving and shaping who we are. 

It feels great to be back, and to be writing again.

And because everyone loves photographs, here a few I took this past weekend. Enjoy!

Until next time...

Actually, It's Ashleigh