Monday, January 28, 2013

Dream Home 2013

This year's HGTV Dream Home is my favorite thus far. The last two years have both been in the mountains-- which is great, but I am very partial to the beach and the ocean. The house this year is on Kiawah Island, which is just 21 miles south of Charleston, South Carolina. While I have never actually been to Charleston, it is on top of my list of places to visit. 

Take a look at this year's home. I love everything about it. I have found myself daydreaming and wishing this was my house. I am willing to relocate and find a new job!! Please HGTV, pick me!!

I was literally drooling while compiling these photos.. I just love everything about this house so much. Here's to dreaming!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tonight Tonight

I woke up this morning, with this wonderful song from West Side Story in my head. Maybe it's because I'm seeing Erol tonight and I haven't seen him in a few weeks. Or maybe it's because I'm seeing a Broadway show tonight. Either way, I'm not upset about it! 

Hope you all are doing something fun and exciting tonight!

Monday, January 21, 2013


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King, Jr., 1957

Truly inspirational words, from a truly inspirational man.

 Today we remember you and we thank you, Dr. King. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you had a very nice weekend. I took an impromptu overnight trip to Maine with my family. It was quite lovely since the entire family was together, which is a rarity these days. Now we're back home, sitting around, working on various projects and patiently awaiting Ray's Retirement Party (GO PATS!!). 

Here are some photos I took while in Maine...

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Start!

Well, I have done it. I dropped enough hints over time and got a camera for Christmas! Thank you, Erol!! I have a lot of learning to do, but I had a lot of fun taking pictures (or attempting to take pictures anyways) during my recent trip to Rochester. Here are a few of my favorites...

During my trip, we saw both Les Miserables and This is 40. Definitely go see Les MIserables (make sure to hit up the bathroom before the movie starts, it's a long one). I was really disappointed with This is 40, since Knocked Up is one of my favorite movies. This is 40 fell way short of my expectations... Oh well! Now I need to see Argo and Silver Linings Playbook, along with Zero Dark Thirty when it comes out! 

I received a Nook for Christmas, which I am excited about. I did not know much about Nooks before I got one, but I am pretty sure you can "lend" books that you purchase to your friends with Nooks, and vice-versa, so if you have a Nook let me know, so we can share books! I just started Let The Great World Spin by Colum McCan on it, which is good so far. 
Please let me know if you have any tips or pointers regarding photography for beginners! Any blog or site suggestions would be greatly appreciated : )

PS-- Yes, I did change my "About Me" photo... New year, new start... new photo!