Thursday, June 7, 2012

Birthday Triplets

I bet you didn't know I'm part of a Canadian triplet gang. The gang originated back on the day of all of our births... June 7, 1988. The two Canadians in my triplet gang are none other than Milan Lucic and Michael Cera. Together, we would form an awesome 6/7/88 gang. We just need to get Michael to Boston and then I think our bond will drag us together and  awesomeness will ensue! We will probably solve all of the Earth's problems. They will make Avengers 2 about us. Until then, Happy Birthday to us!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Movies: 2012 Edition

I gave in and saw The Avengers yesterday. It was a rainy day and there was really nothing else playing at the theater. And let me tell you, I was hugely disappointed. I went in with pretty high expectations from all the hype and records it has been breaking, but the movie was too cheesy to be taken seriously. I know this will never happen, but can the superhero trend be over already? Well, after the Dark Knight Rises, then it can be over forever and I wouldn't mind. 

I complied a list of the top 5 movies I am looking forward to this summer (other than Dark Knight Rises):

Moonrise Kingdom, limited release May 25: 

Lola Verses, June 8: 

To Rome with Love, June 22: 

Brave, June 22:

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, June 22: 

And as a bonus:

Celeste and Jesse Forever, trailer not release yet but I still have high hopes, I believe it comes out at the end of August:

What movies are you looking forward to this summer?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Les Mis-er-ab-les

Have you seen this yet? If not, watch now, and thank me later: 
Goosebumps every time! Anne Hathaway's voice is the perfect combination of pain and beauty. I just want the soundtrack to come out NOW. I am excited for this film adaptation of the musical (which comes out December 14) for many reason. Here are my top 3:
  1. Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackson working together. I think they are two of the most likable and diverse people in Hollywood right now. They both have done the "superhero" genre (Anne in the upcoming Batman movie as Catwoman and Hugh as Wolverine), they can do drama, they can do comedy and they both have amazing voices. I'm excited to see them work together, even if their story line is quasi depressing and short lived.
  2. Amanda Seyfried adds to her film adapted musical resume. In Mama Mia she wowed us with her impressive voice and upon a little research, I learned she was trained in classical opera for two years and studied under a Broadway voice coach for almost five years. This training definitely shows and is being put to good use in the film adaptations of popular musicals.  
  3. I cannot wait to hear people try to pronounce the title. I want to have a hidden camera show at movie ticket counters across the country (heavy in the mid-west) to hear people ask for tickets to Les Miserables. Oh it makes me giggle just thinking about it. Just close your eyes for a second and picture someone in North Dakota who has never heard of the musical go to the movies and say, in a heavy accent, "One for les mis-er-ables please." I may be looking forward to that as much as I am the movie. 
Are you excited for this film? It has an amazing cast and director so hopefully it does not disappoint! Little over a half a year to go-- Let's hope for more amazing trailers along the way to hold us over!