Tuesday, August 15, 2023

I'm Back, Are You?

A lot has happened since I wrote my last blog post. I actually just had a lot of fun looking through my old posts. I have had an extremely strong urge to write, and thanks to technology and password resets, I was able to access my home away from home when I was figuring my life out... my blog! I'm not entirely sure what I want to write about now - but isn't that what blogs are for? I used to love reading blogs - it's so fun to read and learn more about people. If you're reading this, thank you. I imagine it means you love me. If you're a stranger, thank you too. I'm flattered you have taken time to read a strangers thoughts. Reading provides new perspectives and ultimately (at least for me) leads to empathy, compassion and a step closer to understanding how to manage the daily task that is life.
Since my last post, I've gotten married, bought a condo, got a dog, had a kid, sold my condo in the city, bought a house in the suburbs, had another kid, went through a global pandemic with 2 children (at the time 2 under 2), and eventually quit my job (see: pandemic with 2 under 2). And now I have chickens.
My life has become a very interesting thing. I never thought I'd be a stay at home mom. I thought my identity was who I was when I was working. I was a leader, people liked me, I "got shit done," all with (usually) a smile on my face, and a can-do attitude. But why? Because I wanted to get a raise, or wanted praise? Quitting my job was the hardest decision I have EVER made. It took a lot of time and conversations with my husband to build up the courage to even get to the headspace where I believed I could quit. I downloaded the app "Headspace" and tried to do daily meditations around a month before I ended up quitting, just because things were so crazy at work. When I realized my hair was falling out due to stress and anxiety, I knew no amount of money would make that worth it for me. And, I did it, I quit. Like I said, it was the hardest decision I ever made, but it was also the best.
But I digress, let's get back to blogging. I used to love blogs. But now I feel like I'm just getting products aggressively pushed in my face anytime I open Instagram or any of the remaining "blogs". No one seems to write for pleasure anymore. I guess people want / need to make money, which I can respect. But, I'm kind of Instagrammed out. I do love looking at pretty things but I've been increasingly feeling like a zombie while I scroll. I want to spend less time on my phone, less time feeling like I need to "check" something, less time adding stuff to a virtual cart. I want to create something, and even just crafting these silly sentences is bringing a sense of calm and accomplishment.
So, it seems I used to do a lot of lists. Which, is good because I've been digging a lot of things lately. But, in Actually It's Ashleigh fashion, let's do "2 Point List Tuesday", topic: "Things I've Been Thinking About A LOT Lately".
  • Barbie - Greta Gerwig, I love you. You are a genius. As are you, Ryan Gosling. I can't stop singing "I'm Just Ken." Hysterical. I still can't quite get behind Margot Robbie as an actress. She's undeniably gorgeous, and she is an amazingly talented producer (Barbie, I, Tonya, Promising Young Woman, Birds of Prey and wow, just saw she has the rights to made "My Year of Rest and Relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh which I just finished reading and.... it's an uncomfortable one). But, I don't think she commands a screen the way her co-stars usually do. However, I did love this movie. It's funny and has an amazing heart. Go see it with your friends, it's a fun one.

  •   Early Morning, Deer Isle, Framed acrylic on canvas by Julie Bowers Murphy

    I love looking at this painting, even though I've never actually seen it in person. I love how it looks somewhat cartoonish, and I love the texture of the trees. I love the motion I feel when I look at the sail boat. I love the rocks and the color of the water and the sky. I get a real sense of zen and longing to go to Maine when I look at this painting. I've been following Julie Bowers Murphy's paintings online for some time and she always delivers paintings that make me want to go to the woods of Maine and just breathe. If you end up buying "Early Morning, Deer Isle" please let me know so I can come look in person.
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Also, I just checked my last blog post before I took a **ten year** hiatus. I don't want to say I created Brie Larson, LaKeith Stanfield, Rami Malek, Kaitlyn Dever, John Gallagher Jr and Stephanie Beatriz's careers... but.... I kind of nailed it with Short Term Twelve. Wow, looking back at that trailer and knowing where all of those kids (yes, they were kids in that movie, it came out in 2013!!) are now... mind blowing.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


“Reading is everything. Reading makes me feel like I've accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. Reading makes me smarter. Reading gives me something to talk about later on. Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficit disorder medicates itself. Reading is escape, and the opposite of escape; it's a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it's a way of making contact with someone else's imagination after a day that's all too real. Reading is grist. Reading is bliss.”

Nora Ephron's thoughts on reading, from her wonderful book, I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman

Here are some books that I have enjoyed reading lately. 
What about you? Any suggestions? I'm always up for a good book : )

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Scenes From the Weekend

I spent this weekend with my Mom, Dad and Erol in Maine. It was a relatively quiet, relaxing and surprisingly productive weekend. Erol made significant progress on my mom's company's website. It should be launching soon-- I will share when it is live. I spent some time working on my own project as well as making plans for my new room! Saturday evening, we watched Jim Gaffigan's stand up special, Mr. Universe and laughed until our bellies hurt. 

Double rainbow after a rainy day

Beach cruisers

Ollie, our new garden octopus

Trying a new pancake recipe 

Prepping a nautical craft

Now I am going to watch Drinking Buddies, which is one of the movies I have been wanting to see. I saw that it is available to rent on iTunes for $9.99. Originally, I thought this was a terrible idea, but as I thought about it, I decided I'd rather pay $9.99 to watch it on my television at home, in my PJs rather than wait and pay the ridiculous $10+ to see it in theaters.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Scoop on the Stoop

Since Erol has moved to Somerville, I have found myself admiring people's stoops. Each stoop has a different story and their own, distinct personality. I enjoy passing by stoops and thinking about the people who live in the house, based solely on the state of their stoop. Sometimes when I pass by, a resident is on his or her stoop, reading the paper or tending to the flowers and I smile at them, silently praising myself for being pretty spot on. 

Below is a picture of E, on his stoop. I like to call it, "Just a man and his stoop."

Note the plastic chair and unclaimed newspaper-- clearly guys live in this house! Love the context clues!

And with that, I am done saying stoop today.


Now I'm done.

Monday, July 15, 2013

16 Year Old Inspiration

Malala Yousafzai is my hero. Please watch below and see why this 16 year old girl is such an inspiration. I strive to possess even one ounce of her strength, determination and poise.